Why Are Grüns Gummies So Popular? It’s a Holistic Approach

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Alex Smith, CSCS, Shopping Expert

Posted on: January 13, 2025

Updated on: January 13, 2025

If you haven’t heard of grüns gummies yet, just search them on TikTok or Instagram and you’ll find plenty of influencers promoting them.

They’ve taken an AG1 (formerly Athletic Greens) concept, which is an all-in-one supplement featuring greens (from whole foods), and instead of making it into a greens powder, they made green gummy bears.

Greens supplements can be tough to choke down, given their “earthy” taste and near impossible mixability without feeling the powder grains running down your throat.

Not grüns though.

I will give it to them, as I mentioned in my review of grüns gummies, and Tami’s review of grüns kids gummies. Yea, we bought a family pack to try them out. And no, we don’t overly promote them. But the taste and texture of grüns gummies is spot on, and beats mixing up a greens powder, regardless of the flavor.

I also compared grüns vs ag1. After taking AG1 a year, I found grüns gummies via social media and did a ton of research on the brand before considering making the switch.

So if you’re looking for more information behind the grüns brand and wondering why they keep popping up on your feeds, and how they’re blowing up, this article’s for you.

A Founder That Filled A Gap

Founder: Chad Janis (linkedin profile)

Chad Janis is a real person behind a real brand – Grüns. He’s active on social media and has a legitimate business background. He went to BYU and then earned a graduate degree in business from Stanford.

His idea of creating a greens supplement as a gummy bear shook up the greens supplement industry, which giant leaders seeing customers jump ship and hop on the new fad. Companies like AG1 and Bloom Greens now have a new player to compete with – all thanks to Chad’s innovative greens gummies.

Perhaps it’s just a trend, but it doesn’t feel like one that will die out any time soon. Consumers are always looking for a more convenient way to fill nutritional gaps.

Social media influencers, review blogs and even a Farmer’s Market is buying into the hype.

Grüns Is In All 400+ Sprouts Locations

In December 2024, Chad Janis announced that Grüns is now in all 400+ Sprouts locations, making it convenient for consumers to purchase in-person. It’s a big move for the company and could be early signs of them pushing their greens gummies to other major retail stores.

This kind of a move by Sprouts stamps the trust approval on not only the founder, but the product itself. It’s a sign of legitimacy, which quite frankly, we need more of in the wellness industry.

A+ Marketing

Marketing for a supplement needs to be a holistic approach, and grüns checks all the boxes (so far). Here’s what they’re doing:

Mission #1 – Get it in the hands of micro-influencers

As consumers, we want to see the product being used, while trusting the user’s honest experience. On TikTok and Instagram, you’ll find plenty of micro-influencers with the grüns gummies in their hand, talking about how it changed their lives.

Look at this video on TikTok:

@ourlackawannalife Gruns Gummies are filled with so much nutrition! And they're insanely delicious and a lot cheaper than buying all those fruits and veggies daily! 🥬🥦🫐🍋🍎🍓🍅 #greensgummies #gummies #grunsgummies #gummievitamins #grunsdaily #ttsacl ♬ ourlackawannalifes sound ONLY – Jennifer | try it era mama 🛍️

But, does anyone go out on a limb anymore and purchase right away because of a micro-influencer? Some do, some don’t, and others want to validate it further.

Which brings us to the next piece of the puzzle.

Review Blogs and Reddit

There are multiple review blogs getting their hands on grüns and taking the time to try them out and report back on their experience. We did that, although we’re smaller players in the game right now.

Just make sure the review is actually legit, and the review blog doesn’t overly promote the product. At A Couple Consumers, our culture is based on honesty, but it can’t be said the same for others. So be vigilant out there.

You can read my experience with grüns gummies to help you make a decision.

Reddit has been a major trusted platform for product reviews, mainly because it’s just normal people chiming in and giving their honest opinions. There are a few good posts out there on reddit about grüns that you can easily find. Here’s a helpful gruns gummies reddit thread that provides honest feedback.

Running Social Media Ad Campaigns

The foundation of any successful supplement is targeted traffic. If you land on the grüns website, you’ll likely be retargeted on social platforms, like TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and X.

A strong social media presence is key to build trust and drive organic traffic. Combine that with a strong ad strategy with a $11.1M funding budget, and you have yourself data you continue to optimize and scale.

Obviously grüns has someone in charge of marketing that knows what they’re doing. In fact they just launched another product called Nuublah.

Branding & Customer Experience

One thing that Grüns does so well is branding.

After ordering and receiving a package, you'll get a big colorful box with the word “grüns” on it. Consumers love a good customer experience, and I think the branding by grüns' creative team nailed it.

Their vibe is fun, bright, laid back and easy going, but with an emphasis on nutrition. The gummies themselves are green gummy bears. The taste and texture are very good, which also enhances the customer experience.

Is Grüns Here To Stay? Or Is It Another Fly-By-Night Product?

I've seen many supplements come and go since I've been covering them dating back to 2019. Right now, on the surface, grüns has found and filled a gap in the greens supplement space – and that's gummies.

They are doing all the things, like getting them on the Sprouts shelves, to aggressively scale like a bigger brand would. We witnessed this with goli gummies. I can't say it's the same as goli, they were on a different level, but it's pretty close and relative within the industry.

It's hard to say if they're here for good, but there's space for them with their unique product. The good thing is that the founder is getting himself out there and believes in his product.

What are your thoughts on grüns? Have you tried them before? Do you think they're here to stay? Can they compete with AG1 and Bloom? Share your comments below!

About the Author

Alex is an entrepreneur, dad, husband, former college football coach with a Certification in Strength and Conditioning (CSCS). He's your regular consumer and started A Couple Consumers with his wife Tami. Together, they shop and buy products from trending brands thinking it will improve their lives. They decided to create product reviews from products they've been using for years to help other consumers shop - revealing the truth. A savvy shopper and a keen eye for reputable brands, you'll find his personal stories with these products ranging from his wellness journey to fashion to home & lifestyle to stuff for his dog Lou and his kids. He enjoys strength training, football, time with his family and a good laugh.

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