ZYMOX Otic Ear Solution Review: My Dog’s Ear Infections Solved

I found ZYMOX Otic Enzymatic Solution with Hydrocortisone on amazon after costly monthly visits to my vet for my dog Lou’s ear infections. We have since been using it for a year and couldn’t be happier. This review explains why.

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Alex Smith, CSCS, Shopping Expert

Posted on: October 8, 2024

Updated on: December 17, 2024

My dog Lou has been getting ear infections for years. There was constant itching of the ears, shaking of his head, waking up in the middle of the night, ears smelled bad, etc. I could see his agonizing discomfort. It didn’t just affect him, but affected us as well in many different ways - physically, mentally and financially.

Our only solution, up until this point, was taking him to the vet and getting a prescription medication to treat it.

Of course that ended up costing upwards of $175 per visit, and it was happening every month.

The vet’s only two answers to why the ear infections continued to flare up was “the climate and the dog food I used to use.” That’s when I switched to Nom Nom Fresh Dog Food, which helped, but didn’t totally solve it. And the only other solution was to keep bringing him in month after month. What a joke.

First off, I don’t like giving my dog antibiotics every month. Second, and this is unfortunate that it’s true, the vets seem to just care about making more money.

Feeling frustrated was an understatement - I was HOT. And this was the boiling point that caused me to find a better solution. There had to be something out there that was better than what we were doing, and for a lot less money. My research began because I will do anything for Lou - he’s my guy.


Rating ZYMOX Otis Enzymatic Solution

The only product I think that I will ever rate a 5/5 stars is this one because it really does work for soothing ear infections, getting rid of smelly ears, and taking away my dog's ear pain at an extremely fair price point. It just works!


The brand scores a perfect 5/5 stars due to being in business for 25 years and making pet products for ear, skin and teeth that actually work. Their products are all-natural, easy to use, and you can purchase them conveniently at amazon.


I have to rate effectiveness 5/5 stars because the product did exactly what it is supposed to do. After two days, Lou's ear infections were being healed. After a week it was gone, and after a year there aren't any more issues. Plus, no more visits to the vet!

Side Effects

Fortunately for my dog Lou, he has experienced ZERO side effects with this product! Another 5/5 star rating.


The value is unmatched, making it 5/5 stars. I used to spend over $175 per vet visit because of ear infections alone. Now, I spend $23-$24 every other month and the product works.

Ease of Use

It's so easy to use these ear drops. Just drop them in, massage the ear to work it in there and clean up the excess. It takes maybe a minute - 5/5 stars for sure!

How I Found ZYMOX Otic Enzymatic Solution For Dogs

my dog next to ZYMOX ear care pet product

Honestly, it didn’t take me too long to find ear drops for dogs that helped with ear infections. A quick amazon search (I used “ear drops for dogs ear infection”) and a few products popped up - one being ZYMOX Otic Enzymatic Solution.

I consider myself a very savvy shopper, especially online. Amazon probably has the most trustworthy customer ratings and reviews compared to other shopping sites. If the product sucks, people will tell you about it. And if it works, they’ll also speak up on it.

Well, here were the rating stats on Amazon:

  • 4.7/5 star rating
  • Over 75,000 customer reviews
  • #1 Top Rated
  • 30K+ bought in the past month

Oh, and only $23.79!!!!???

Even if over 75,000 people were wrong (highly doubtful), I was willing to lose $23. But if it worked, I would be saving well over $150 every month - worth it.

Most customer reviews seemed super honest and VERY RELATABLE - they all were going to the vet and the vet just kept taking the dogs in, charging an appointment fee, and then sending people off with an expensive prescription medication.

But it’s not just about the money. The users’ pets kept getting ear infections (just like Lou did) and would be in so much pain until they got the prescription medication. Basically no preventative solutions - not cool.

Once these customers used ZYMOX Otic Enzymatic Solution with their dog or cat, they all claimed it worked. Like unanimous decisions, which I just don’t see too often on Amazon.

That’s when I purchased it and decided to give it a try.

My Dog’s Experience With ZYMOX Otic Ear Solution

ZYMOX ear care product with my dog

Thanks to being able to purchase this product at amazon, the package came the next day! Very clutch for situations like these.

I immediately read the directions and put it to use. The directions state to apply the ear drops once per day for 7 days to see results, so that’s exactly what I did.

How I use it is pretty simple - I put 2-3 drops in the ear that’s bothering him, massage it until it gets worked in there, then clean up the excess solution with a paper towel.

I can tell you that after two days, I noticed way less itching, less shaking, the smell was going away and he was much more comfortable during the day and night. The ear infection red spots in his ear were clearing up as well.

At this point I was ecstatic, relieved and grateful. I just remember thinking, “yea, that’s what all the users on amazon said about this product - it flat out works.”

But, was it just for a couple days? Or, did it actually work in the long run?

I continued to apply the ZYMOX ear cleaner into Lou’s ears for the rest of the week. The results were unbelievable - his ear infection went away, no more head shaking, itching of the ears and no more bad smell. He was sleeping through the night again.

I continued to use it for the rest of the month and the results stayed the same! It was the first month in a few years that I didn’t bring him to the vet for an ear infection.

Honestly, I was in disbelief. And the reason I’m writing this review is to tell people out there that are dealing with the same problems that this is a viable solution - it really does work.

My wife and I have been using ZYMOX Otic Enzymatic Solution with Lou for about a year now. We wouldn’t live without it.

my dog ready for his ear drops

The way we use it these days, is when we notice him itching his ears, or if we smell them, or he shakes his head, we know it’s time to apply the ZYMOX. And, when we do it, it clears right up every single time.

For an entire year, Lou has only benefited from these ear drops and there have been no negative side effects. If there were, we wouldn’t be using it.

I have no clue how it works, but it does. And I’m not going to get into the ingredients because I’m not qualified to talk about that. I can only speak on our experience using it and how it worked for us - simply amazing!

How To Use ZYMOX Ear Cleanser

  • Step 1: Shake well before use.
  • Step 2: Apply 1-3 drops to uncleaned ear, filling ear canal - I usually put 2-3 drops once per day when I start noticing he’s itching or shaking his ears again, or if I notice the smell.
  • Step 3: Gently massage and work into the pet’s ear. I just work my hand in a circular motion outside of the ear.
  • Step 4: Wipe any excess solution that you may see with a paper towel.

Where To Purchase ZYMOX Pet Products

ZYMOX products are made by “Pet King Brands.” Their products can be purchased online at the following websites:

  • Amazon
  • Zquared
  • Affordable Vet
  • Entirely Pets
  • Happy Dog Place
  • My Hooves & Paws
  • Nomidi
  • Piccardmeds4pets

**Do not purchase any ZYMOX products off Ebay as Pet King Brands does not have any authorized sellers on Ebay.

What I Love About ZYMOX Pet Products

  • ZYMOX has been in business for 25 years, solving ear, skin and oral conditions for pets and animals
  • Every product is made in the USA
  • They’re affordable
  • Every product is all-natural
  • Trusted by Veterinarians
  • They work great for my dog


ZYMOX Otic Enzymatic Solution was one of the best purchases I ever made for my dog Lou. The 75,000+ user ratings of a 4.7/5 stars at amazon proved to be true, as this soothing ear infection solution really does work.

We’ve been using it for a year and will continue using it. Lou also has some skin irritation issues, and ZYMOX offers an Advanced Enzymatic Shampoo for irritated, dry or itchy skin - that product will be the next purchase I make. So stay tuned for that review after I use it for a month or two.

If your pet gets ear infections and nothing else is working, give ZYMOX Otic Enzymatic Solution a try - it’ll change their lives, just like Lou’s!

About the Author

Alex is an entrepreneur, dad, husband, former college football coach with a Certification in Strength and Conditioning (CSCS). He's your regular consumer and started A Couple Consumers with his wife Tami. Together, they shop and buy products from trending brands thinking it will improve their lives. They decided to create product reviews from products they've been using for years to help other consumers shop - revealing the truth. A savvy shopper and a keen eye for reputable brands, you'll find his personal stories with these products ranging from his wellness journey to fashion to home & lifestyle to stuff for his dog Lou and his kids. He enjoys strength training, football, time with his family and a good laugh.

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